Authorities announced on Thursday that all five men aboard the missing Titan submersible have been declared deceased. The investigation revealed that the craft imploded near the shipwreck location. Within 24 hours of the submersible’s disappearance, renowned Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron received information indicating that the submersible had imploded upon losing communication with its mothership. Cameron, the director of the Academy Award-winning film Titanic, shared that he received confirmation of a significant explosion within an hour of the incident, describing the past week as an enduring and nightmarish charade. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that classified underwater microphones operated by the US Navy detected the implosion of the Titan sub several days ago. The individuals on board the ill-fated Titan were identified as Stockton Rush, the founder and CEO of OceanGate Expeditions, British billionaire Hamish Harding, renowned French diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, and his 19-year-old son Suleman. In an effort to locate the missing submersible, the Navy employed a highly confidential acoustic detection system immediately after it was reported missing on Sunday, according to a statement by a US Defense official.
Da Capitol: Super Talented in the Rap Scene with His Debut Album “1050”
In the dynamic world of rap and hip-hop, a new voice is making waves — Da Capitol, an up-and-coming rapper